At PrairieWind we train toward NAVHDA standards for the versatile hunting dog. It is important that our clients are able to share the goals that they have for their hunting companion. Our goal is to train both the dog and the owners so that the two become a team.

We keep homing pigeons on site for one reason: Good bird dogs require birds. We have access to chukar, bobwhite quail, pheasants and ducks depending on the season and the goals of the client.

This summer we plan to host obedience training classes at PrairieWind Preserve. We hope to have a puppy class and an adult class limited to 12 dogs in each class. These classes will begin toward the end of May/beginning of June running for 8 weeks. Use the contact form to get in touch with us if you are interested in spending some time training your hunting companion or family pet.

All Rights Reserved PrairieWind Preserve LLC